Lent has begun and I thought I was ready for the change in seasons. Ready, first of all, for the great Children’s Ash Wednesday service that we do here at St. Aidan’s each year, one of my very favorite services. Ready for the change in vestments and Church décor. Ready also to have the extra push that I need to take my spirituality more seriously, to try to notice God acting in my life more intentionally. And ready, or so I would have predicted, to slow down. Lent is derived from a word which means “slow” and even though it tends to be one of the busiest times in the Church life, even so most of it tends to feel like it’s passing in slow motion. Maybe it’s partly because of the weather – often grey – and because at least in my house there seems to be a break between the fall and spring activities. But this time around, I am increasingly aware of the “slowness” factor as it is related to patience. I’m not sure why I hadn’t seen it before, since Lent has always been a time of waiting t...