June 30, 2013 6 Pentecost, Proper 8 (Year C) Luke 9:51- 62 On the last day of school, my daughter’s elementary school had a talent show. About a week before, a notice came home announcing it, and inviting any student that was interested to sign up by giving a brief statement of their talent. Sophie wanted to be in the talent show. I couldn’t believe it. I never in a thousand years would have signed up for a talent show when I was a kid. First, I was too insecure to feel like I had any talents when I was her age. Second, I couldn’t have imagined being up there – totally vulnerable – in front of all those people – my peers. What if I was no good? What if I got nervous and forgot what I was doing? What if they didn’t clap for me, or worse yet, made fun of me? And so I immediately projected all my childhood fears and angst onto my daughter. ...