August 23, 2015 Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18 When I was in college in North Carolina, a friend and I spent my senior year exploring churches. I think we hit every major denomination and some very off-the-beaten-track spots plus a good number of megachurches. I’ll never forget the morning we sat near the back of a non-denominational Bible church. We’d sung to music up on the big screen, listened to a pretty long and fiery sermon that required us to flip through the Bibles provided on the pew backs in front of us, signed our names in the book that was passed down the row, added a few dollars to the velvet bag. And then came something I was not at all prepared for: the altar call. The minister talked about how much Jesus loved us and wanted us to let Him into our hearts, talked about the sin that was keeping us from really knowing that love, and invited anyone who felt a stirring in their heart to make the choice for Jesus today and join him in the front....