July 31, 2016 Hosea 11:1-11 My dad and stepmom are in the early stages of organizing in order to downsize from my childhood home. It’s a good decision for them and will make their lives simpler, but I’ve found myself getting a little sad thinking about that place no longer being part of my life. No longer having a connection to the spot where so much of my formation happened and where so many memories were made. My bedroom where I had sleepovers and listened to music and talked on the phone for hours. The porch where I’d go to read with my mom under the fan in the summer. The family room where I’d spread out with the funny pages and throw Christmas wrapping paper into the fire. The kitchen where my sister and I did dishes together. The dining room where we had so many family discussions and debates. The basement where I learned how to do 14 double-unders in a row so I could get on the travel jumprope team. ...