October 23, 2016 Luke 18:9-14 I‘m guessing we can probably all agree that this election seems to have brought our country to a time of crisis, though we might disagree about what makes it that way. For me, it is almost unimaginable that a candidate for president of the United States excuses boasting about sexual assault with “locker room talk.” But that’s really just the straw that broke the camel’s back. We have become so polarized, and not just on the usual political issues, but on gender and race and religion and ethnicity. It has been hard to watch us fall apart. Given all that’s brewing in the world, at our monthly local Episcopal clergy lunch, someone asked how we were talking about this election in our congregations. Several clergy spoke about how carefully they were balancing their words to speak about civility and love so as to reach but not offend Trump supporters in their congregations. I was surprised....