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Showing posts from July, 2019

Representing Christianity

July 21, 2019 Luke 10:38-42 This Mary/Martha story has always put me on edge.  There’s Mary plopped down, idly ignoring her guests, comfortable as can be.  Meanwhile, Martha is cleaning and cooking and providing hospitality for Jesus and his followers.  She is busy doing the work that needs to be done in order for Jesus’ ministry to flourish. So why is Jesus condemning Martha and applauding Mary? I think this story bothers me because it hits so close to home.   Left unchecked, I naturally run much closer to Martha than Mary.  I am better at appreciating silence and stillness and sabbath rest in theory than in practice.  Life is full of work and responsibilities, and even in my free time I have something of a compulsion toward adventure rather than rest.   To my family’s chagrin, this becomes especially evident on vacation.  We’re recently back from a two week trip to the Pacific Northwest. We started in Portland with my ex...