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Showing posts from November, 2020

Wrestling with the Bridesmaids

November 8, 2020 Matthew 25:1-13 This Gospel story is horrible.  These foolish bridesmaids just can’t get it right and the consequences are dire - like wailing and gnashing of teeth dire.   It reminds me of the most recent iteration of my anxiety dream where I am running into church late - without time to put on my robe or print my sermon - and I can’t make my way to the front - and Oran fires me on the spot.  Nothing like this has ever come close to happening and yet I can’t tell you how often I have this kind of dream. Today’s Gospel parable is like my worst anxiety nightmare.    And it feels a little too realistic at this moment in our national life. Here we are just a few days post-election.  I intentionally recorded this sermon on Tuesday, so I wouldn’t know the results yet.  So I don’t yet know who wins and who loses.  (Maybe you don’t either!)  But I do know that either way it goes, unless we can change things fast, we are go...