May 8, 2016 Ascension Day The Ascension of Jesus into heaven is a tricky story for us modern people. We imagine, maybe, the medieval religious art that shows Jesus wearing his white robe floating up into the sky above the astonished disciples, emerging above the clouds. Or, maybe instead, we imagine it more like a scene from Star Trek: “Beam me up, God!” In the early Church’s world view, this story would have made more sense. Back when people understand the world to be flat and hadn’t yet explored the heavens with space shuttles and satellites and telescopes. It’s harder now to take this story seriously. We’ve been above the clouds - we know what’s up there. Luckily for the modern Church, the Feast of the Ascension falls 10 days before the Feast of Pentecost, which means it’s always on a weekday and is pretty easy to skip. We can go straight from Easter and the post-resurrection stories to Pentecost and never...
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