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Hear What the Spirit is Saying to the People...

Last year's prayer stations were so much fun that I brought the idea back (some the same, some new) this year for Pentecost.  They seem like such a tangible experience of the Holy Spirit still at work.  A reminder that the wild experience of the Spirit that the disciples experienced at Pentecost is still available to the rest of us. 

Here's what we offered this year:

For Our Community - Blank notecards were set out with names and pictures of people in the St. Aidan's community who have been separated from us by a move or by sickness.  Alternatively people could choose someone in their life that they were feeling called to reconnect with.  I have since mailed or delivered more than 30 beautiful cards and letters that brightened up a lot of days.

Mandalas - Blank circles and art supplies were provided for people who wanted to engage in this meditative art form.

Our Daily Bread - An invitation to pick up a food item from one of the baskets of donations for the local food pantries (Rising Hope and UCM) and pray with the line from the Lord's prayer about our daily bread, thinking about what it means in our lives and praying for those who are without the basic necessities.  

Labyrinth - Our indoor labyrinth was uncovered so people could walk it meditatively.  (We have a beautiful new outdoor labyrinth but it is about a 1/4 mile to walk.)

Play Dough - Playdough in every rainbow color was available and people were invited to create a symbol to represent a time when they felt God's love or the love of another person in their life, or to represent an area in their life where more love was needed.

Prayer Chain - People wrote prayers on strips of paper and connected them to form a chain.  Such vulnerability and beauty is represented.

Burdens - People were invited to take a stone and pray over a burden or weight that they have been carrying and then drop it into our filled baptismal font.

Scrabble - Tons of tiles were used to create word pictures of our relationships with and deepest convictions about God.

Candles - Dozens of votive candles were set out for people to light for loved ones or other prayer intentions.

A grateful thanks to the people of St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, who were up for the adventure!  As one new parishioner, experienced in the vagaries of the Episcopal Church, wrote, "Most congregations I think would be paralyzed by the request to get up and openly pray and/or participate.  I was floored and moved to tears by what I saw - 100% meaningful participation.  I saw middle schoolers pray with earnest faces before bags of food and people trying all the stations.  It was wonderful and inspiring!"  Indeed it was.  Thanks be to God!


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