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Welcome to the Well

3 Lent
John 4:5-42
(This sermon was given in the context of our 4th through 8th grade Sunday School group dramatically acting out Gospel.  They broke the Gospel into parts and between each part came pieces of this sermon.)

(John 4:5-9)
This story from John’s gospel is Jesus’ longest recorded conversation with anyone.  We see a back-and-forth with this Samaritan woman at the well that is more detailed than we get with any disciple or religious leader.  
This would have been shocking, horrifying, completely unacceptable to anyone hearing about or reading this story for so many reasons. 
First, she is a woman.  That’s enough in itself to marginalize her in first-century, patriarchal culture.  Jesus had no business being alone with her, much less talking to her or drinking from her bucket. 
Second, she is a Samaritan, and therefore an outcast in Jewish society.  Most Jews would travel an extra 9 hours around Samaria to get to Galilee rather than setting foot in this territory.  Samaritans were seen as ritually impure by the Jews. 
            And third, she is a social outcast even within Samaria.  Here we see her drawing water from the well in the heat of the day rather than in the cool of the morning or evening with the rest of her townspeople.
            This woman is separated and broken and hurting.  Jesus had every reason not to approach this woman, not to speak to her, not to spend time with her.  I’m sure she believed herself to be outside the realm of God’s interest.  But that doesn’t stop Jesus.  He not only initiates conversation.  He forms a relationship with this woman that changes her life and the life of her entire community.
            Many of us may feel Jesus has every reason not to spend time with us.  We don’t make him a priority, we are busy concentrating on ourselves, our lives aren’t lived as graciously as we would like, we are full of guilt or judging or blame or fear.  But just like with that woman at the well with this heavy background that she assumed would keep Jesus at a distance, Jesus comes close, initiates relationship, opens himself to us, and invites us to do the same.
(John 4:10-18)
            It’s hard to tell exactly what this woman’s story is.  Have her five husbands died?  Or cast her aside?  Or is this description, as some commentators think, a euphemism for prostitution?  All we know is that she is rejected and vulnerable in society.  This story tells us less about the woman than it does about Jesus.  Jesus knows this woman’s situation, whatever it is, but he doesn’t use that information to shame or judge her.  Instead, he acknowledges her pain.  He sees her, really sees her, and doesn’t draw away.  He looks past what the community thinks of her, past her tough exterior, maybe even past how she has come to see herself.  And he sees the hopes and dreams she had for her life, once upon a time.  He sees the hard choices she’s had to make to survive.  He sees the disappointments and pain she has been carrying.  He sees her, and he loves her as she is.
            Jesus sees through our tough exteriors too.  Sees through the facades we put up and the games we play.  Sees deep into our disappointments and our pain and our unfulfilled hopes and dreams.  And loves us just as we are.  As Desmond Tutu puts it, “There’s nothing you can do to make God love you more,” and “there’s nothing you can do to make God love you less.”
(John 4:19-30)
            In this one conversation, we see the transformation of this Samaritan woman from beginner in faith to apostle.  The steps of her progression of faith are probably a lot like ours, although they come in more rapid succession than they probably do for most of us. 
At the start, the woman sees only what separates her from Jesus and her own unworthiness.  She doubts that he can deliver anything that can sustain her or make her life better.  She holds herself at a bit of a distance, needing time to investigate Jesus and think about what his words might mean for her life.  But then as she begins to recognize herself as accepted and listened to by Jesus, she responds to him, beginning to open up, more honestly assessing her life and Jesus’ promise.  And then she recognizes in him something meaningful and wonderful and surprising.  She finds herself willing to go deeper with Jesus.  And then she is ready to share her experience with others and becomes part of a community of believers.
            Jesus’ offer of conversation and intimacy is open to us too.  Jesus’ unconditional love for the woman at the well is offered to us too.  And Jesus’ promise of living water, whatever that might mean for us, is his promise to us too.  This Gospel story is an invitation to us to encounter God and be transformed.
(John 4:31-42)
Because of the Samaritan woman’s testimony to her city, they came to Jesus and had the same opportunity to listen and be loved and transformed.  And Jesus stayed with them (the word used in Greek is actually “abide” – Jesus abided with them) for two days.
            There is so much in this story.  So many pieces that we could stop and sit with.  So many ways for us to enter the story and make it a part of our lives.  One piece that stands out for me is the way that this story fits my vision of what the community of believers can be – what Church can be. 
            My vision of Church is a community where we are seen for who we are and loved anyway.  A place where we are welcomed and not judged.  A place where we can ask questions and be heard.  A place where we share our encounters with God and invite each other and the whole world to “come and see.”  A place where we can abide with Jesus, and hopefully be strengthened and fed so that we can go forth into the world and live as people transformed. 
            Now it’s your turn to be part of this conversation with Jesus and the woman at the well.  On your way in, you were handing a sheet with two questions on it.  I invite you to take a minute to think about these questions and, if you are willing, share your responses by placing them in the collection plate during the offering.  Feel free to write anonymously.  I’ll bring the responses with me for our Vestry retreat next weekend so that your thoughts can be a piece of the Vestry’s discernment about its mission.
            The first question is about your vision for the Church.  Maybe this story this morning has some piece that helps with that vision, or maybe it’s something else completely.  What would you like St. Aidan’s to be for you and for our surrounding community?  And how is St. Aidan’s doing with that vision?
            The second question has to do with that living water in our story today. In his interaction with the Samaritan woman, Jesus fills her and gives her courage and strength such that she can leave her bucket and return to her people and say, “Come and see!”  How might St. Aidan’s be a stronger conduit of that living water, strengthening and encouraging you for your work as God’s partner in the world?


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